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Monday, February 23, 2015

Is God and the spirit one?

Is God and the spirit one?

How is the gospel of the Egyptians similar to the canonized gospels?  

 The gospel of the Egyptians and the canonized gospels have similar concepts. Both of these gospels have content that describes a supreme entity.  Through the work of the gospel writer’s we notice the parallels that exist between the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of the Egyptians. For example, the book of John tells us about Jesus speaking about light and how it relates to life. In (John 8:12) When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This scripture is compatible with the scriptures that are found in the Gospel of the Egyptians. In the Egyptians gospel book there were also references made about light and its importance. For instance, the gospel of the Egyptians used the word light 7 times within the first 5 sentences. Its states “the light of the lightof the aeons of light, the light of the silence of the providence <and>the Father of the silence, the light of the word and the truth, the light of the incorruptions, the infinite light.” In my opinion, the writer of this scripture was explaining that the most high is the light (source). And the light symbolizes the beginning of all things ever created.  In the book of John Jesus called himself the light of the world. Meaning he is the source of creation. John's scripture is definitely similar to the content in the Gospel of the Egyptians. Analyzing both of the findings critically I assume the light symbolizes the spirit that every human has; the same spirit Adam and Adamas was born with. In my opinion, its safe to conclude that  God is the spirit  that created civilization for his pleasure. Therefore, we humans are really spirits having a human experience. 
  Another similarity between the two gospels is that they reference the Great Spirit as coming in the form of three entities. In the bible the invisible spirit comes as the father, the word, and the Holy Spirit (John 5:7). In the gospel of the Egyptians the invisible spirit is presented as the father mother and the son. The common theme is everything in the universe has been documented as deriving from one source. The great spirit.

Why wasn't this included in the New Testament?

Personally I believe the reason why this was not included in the New Testament was because of the complexity of the text.  I think the authors of this gospel did not want to push people away because of not being able to grasp the information. Even in the Bible Jesus spoke in parables to clarify his message for everyone he taught.

Who wrote the gospel of the Egyptians?

The website informs us that Seth wrote this work. According to the lost gospel Seth was sent by four lights. Seth's arrival was to give pleasure to the great invisible spirit.  Seth's mission is similar to Jesus. He was sent to save the world that had gone astray. Seth wrote the Gospel of the Egyptians to inform the race of their true identity. He was motivated by the great spirit. Seth wanted to give information about the holy savior to the lost race of people living in the earth realm.  

Is God the metaphor used for the great invisible spirit?

My research has brought me to the conclusion that God is the title that has been given to the infinite intelligence that created the spirit. Therefore God is really the great invisible spirit that the Gospel of the Egyptians refers to. In Christain Wolf's Psychological Empirical the theologian Emanuel Swedenborg states "Men say that angels or genii are spirits.  They say that the soul is a spirit.  They say that the devil is a spirit. We say that all things that are active per se, even though in material things, are spirits. But all these spirits were created and made by the Infinite, and consequently are finite and not infinite. God alone is infinite." God is the spirit that has manifested in human form. Everything in the universe was created for his pleasure. Its impossible to have a spirit and not have God. Therefore if the spirit can be found in all things, then so can God. That brings us to the realization that God is the great invisible spirit that Seth wrote about. Leo Tolstoy makes subscriptions to this mindset in his book The Kingdom of God is Within. Leo states "in the midst of the winter, I find in me the invisible summer." Meaning in the midst of everything going on in front of our eyes we have something greater within. This something is God, the spirit.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Did John write the gospel of John?

Did John write the gospel of John?

The first four gospels are responsible for giving the world the story of Jesus Christ. However, the book of John supposedly is an eye witness account, the testimony of a man who is allegedly Jesus’ cousin but has never meet him. While reading the book of John I realized that John’s book has some of the same questions that the book of Matthew had open for discussion. Who is the author? Did Matthew write the first gospel and did John write the fourth gospel? In contrast to Matthew, John did not copy any of the other gospels content. Scholars believe that John had a better vantage point than any of the other disciples. More interestingly, in my opinion, is the uncertainty of the beloved John being literate. Bart, on the website explains that there was a probability that John could not write. Bart goes on to say that John was a fisherman from rural Galilee.  Fishermen were uneducated.  They were very low class peasants. John would never have gone to school. Being that John would have never gone to school the claim can be made that he couldn’t have written a sophisticated narrative in Greek. This information lead me to believe that there is a narrow chance that a peasant with low cognition could have written the gospel.


Education is important for primitive and contemporary writers. So why did an unidentified author slash editor give John of Zebedee credit for writing the gospel of John? If we addressed the question from a Christian perspective we will receive and answer similar to this: Who wrote the Gospel of John is a question that remains unanswered, though noted theologians throughout the ages maintain that it was indeed the disciple John who penned the famous Biblical book. Something to remember is that individuals with this outlook believes that all the content in the bible is factual. However, this traditional perspective isn't enough evidence for me to believe in full that John wrote his gospel book.
If you pose the same question to an individual living during the era of King James they would tell you that Shakespeare was the author of this highly questionable text.  In my opinion, the gospel of John couldn’t have been written by John because the text never identifies its author. The only information the gospel allocates about the author is   “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”   Furthermore, we have no proof of the original scripts of the eye witnesses that theologians claim the book belongs to. In my study I found research that supports my beliefs.  Today the majority of scholars do not believe that John or any other eyewitness wrote it and trace it instead to a “Johannine community” which traced its traditions to John; the gospel itself shows signs of having been composed in three “layers”, reaching its final form about 90-100 AD.


We may never truly discover who indoctrinated or wrote the gospel of John, any more than we can identify the authors of the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The conclusion we can come to is that the book of John is a gospel that has content that is isolated. Yet the other three books have so many parallels that they came to be known as the Synoptic Gospels. Those being so similar create a problem known as the synoptic problem.  John doesn’t have the same details as the other gospels which compel me to wonder if John’s gospel was historical at all. In order to understand religion we have to understand history. Doing my research on the history of John brought me to the discovery that not everything that happened in biblical history was recorded. Possibly this is why the writers of the bible left out who actually wrote John. On the other hand, in my opinion John didn't write the gospel of John because history tells us that he would have been illiterate due to his living conditions at the time. Bart on the website claims that low class peasants wouldn't have time for school and even if he did a written novel would be far fetched.


John relaxes one hand on his debatable gospel book
In conclusion, someone had to know about the other three gospels to write the gospel of John.  It’s only logical that an eye witness’s story should be presented first to set a foundation for information to come. Without an eye witness account all evidence that is offered is debatable. The gospel of John was last, which leads me to think that the unidentified editor read from some other source prior to writing the fourth gospel. It is also possible that the author of John did not have the same experience as his fellow disciple mark. Consequently the evidence he presented is falsifiable. However, we can only hypothesize on the identity of the author of the book of John. Possibly history can help unveil the truth about who wrote the gospel of John.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Was Jesus’ story purloined from Kemet?

Kemet (Ancient Egypt) 

Was the story of Jesus' purloined from Kemet?

The first four books of the New Testament are responsible for revealing to the world the life of the messiah known as Jesus Christ. While reading the Synoptic Gospels, as well as, The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? the Pagan Gods by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. I've learned much of the life of Jesus was taken from ancient Egypt correctly known as Kemet. The Gospel according to Luke provides us a detailed look into the life of Jesus. however, contemporary religions have mimicked stories from the ancient Egyptian culture. The stories that are told in the New Testament books are purloined from Kemet.

How was the Jesus legacy formed?

To determine how Jesus' legacy was forned, we first have to understand who he was. The website defines Jesus as a Jewish religious leader who was crucified in Jerusalem after his teaching and reported miracle-working incurred the disfavor of the Roman government of Palestine. In Christianity, Jesus is seen as Christ and as the Son of god. A side note to remember too is that Caesar and Horus was also referred to as the Son of God. Now we understand that Jesus was a leader who was executed for his beliefs. Let's go further...First of all, we must note that Jesus was a product of several different entities. The Messiah's path was chosen under the rule of the entity Constantine. Constantine was responsible for demanding all religious groups combine and unify under one umbrella and make an only religion for Rome; which at the time was a multifaceted religion. This is how Christ's legacy originated. These different Roman religious organizations generated and ultimately named Jesus to be president or the spokesperson. Jesus' lineage resembles that of ancient Egypt god Horus.

 Are Kemet myths modified as the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The depiction of the life of Jesus through the gospel have been a myth rewritten by authors of the gospels. There are many  parallels and similarities to Kemet's god Horus to Jesus.  According to Christ in comparative mythology, Tom Harpur ( a former Angelic priest, journalist, and professor of New Testament studies, has written a book The Pagan Christ. Harpur explains how the gospel of Jesus was written decades after Jesus death and it  has many similarities to Kemet god, Horus. how can such similarities be explained.....unless they were stolen. Horus' myth was recorded more than two thousand years before Jesus was born. The Pagan Christ explains how Luke and other authors of the gospel of the New Testament combine Kemet myths with Old Testament prophecies to narrate the life of Jesus.

Jesus becomes an extension of Kemet mythology god by a new name.

The narrative of Jesus has many parallels throughout the course of time. Jesus is most comparable with the Sun-God Horus. Jesus and Horus were carried from conception to birth by a virgin; star led three wise men to their birth place; both taught in the temple as a child; both had twelve disciples; both performed miracles; both were considered the way, the truth, and the light; both were crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected. The list of similarities go on and on, but it is extremely important for us to note that Horus' story was written five thousand years ago and Jesus story was written two thousand years ago. The Sun-God Horus allows scholars to understand why Christians have been taught to worship a God on "Sun" day and say that Jesus is the son of God. ( See
Meri and Horus                 Mary and Jesus    


Is there coincidence that the life story of Jesus is nearly the same as Horus'? I don't think so. There are parallels between Kemet mythology and the Gospels. The difference is the timing of each story. It is well established that the Horus myth has been written a lot longer than the story of Jesus. Horus is seen as a fictional hero and Jesus has been depicted by writers as being a real person. Jesus life is remarkable one to say the least. Luke and the other scribes whom wrote the New Testament went to great lengths to portray the life Jesus as an unique one. They used truthful information that had been passed down for centuries, but not factual because it had already been recorded prior to his life. Those authors owe a debt to Kemet for purloining their mythology.