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Monday, February 23, 2015

Is God and the spirit one?

Is God and the spirit one?

How is the gospel of the Egyptians similar to the canonized gospels?  

 The gospel of the Egyptians and the canonized gospels have similar concepts. Both of these gospels have content that describes a supreme entity.  Through the work of the gospel writer’s we notice the parallels that exist between the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of the Egyptians. For example, the book of John tells us about Jesus speaking about light and how it relates to life. In (John 8:12) When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This scripture is compatible with the scriptures that are found in the Gospel of the Egyptians. In the Egyptians gospel book there were also references made about light and its importance. For instance, the gospel of the Egyptians used the word light 7 times within the first 5 sentences. Its states “the light of the lightof the aeons of light, the light of the silence of the providence <and>the Father of the silence, the light of the word and the truth, the light of the incorruptions, the infinite light.” In my opinion, the writer of this scripture was explaining that the most high is the light (source). And the light symbolizes the beginning of all things ever created.  In the book of John Jesus called himself the light of the world. Meaning he is the source of creation. John's scripture is definitely similar to the content in the Gospel of the Egyptians. Analyzing both of the findings critically I assume the light symbolizes the spirit that every human has; the same spirit Adam and Adamas was born with. In my opinion, its safe to conclude that  God is the spirit  that created civilization for his pleasure. Therefore, we humans are really spirits having a human experience. 
  Another similarity between the two gospels is that they reference the Great Spirit as coming in the form of three entities. In the bible the invisible spirit comes as the father, the word, and the Holy Spirit (John 5:7). In the gospel of the Egyptians the invisible spirit is presented as the father mother and the son. The common theme is everything in the universe has been documented as deriving from one source. The great spirit.

Why wasn't this included in the New Testament?

Personally I believe the reason why this was not included in the New Testament was because of the complexity of the text.  I think the authors of this gospel did not want to push people away because of not being able to grasp the information. Even in the Bible Jesus spoke in parables to clarify his message for everyone he taught.

Who wrote the gospel of the Egyptians?

The website informs us that Seth wrote this work. According to the lost gospel Seth was sent by four lights. Seth's arrival was to give pleasure to the great invisible spirit.  Seth's mission is similar to Jesus. He was sent to save the world that had gone astray. Seth wrote the Gospel of the Egyptians to inform the race of their true identity. He was motivated by the great spirit. Seth wanted to give information about the holy savior to the lost race of people living in the earth realm.  

Is God the metaphor used for the great invisible spirit?

My research has brought me to the conclusion that God is the title that has been given to the infinite intelligence that created the spirit. Therefore God is really the great invisible spirit that the Gospel of the Egyptians refers to. In Christain Wolf's Psychological Empirical the theologian Emanuel Swedenborg states "Men say that angels or genii are spirits.  They say that the soul is a spirit.  They say that the devil is a spirit. We say that all things that are active per se, even though in material things, are spirits. But all these spirits were created and made by the Infinite, and consequently are finite and not infinite. God alone is infinite." God is the spirit that has manifested in human form. Everything in the universe was created for his pleasure. Its impossible to have a spirit and not have God. Therefore if the spirit can be found in all things, then so can God. That brings us to the realization that God is the great invisible spirit that Seth wrote about. Leo Tolstoy makes subscriptions to this mindset in his book The Kingdom of God is Within. Leo states "in the midst of the winter, I find in me the invisible summer." Meaning in the midst of everything going on in front of our eyes we have something greater within. This something is God, the spirit.

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