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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Was Jesus’ story purloined from Kemet?

Kemet (Ancient Egypt) 

Was the story of Jesus' purloined from Kemet?

The first four books of the New Testament are responsible for revealing to the world the life of the messiah known as Jesus Christ. While reading the Synoptic Gospels, as well as, The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? the Pagan Gods by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. I've learned much of the life of Jesus was taken from ancient Egypt correctly known as Kemet. The Gospel according to Luke provides us a detailed look into the life of Jesus. however, contemporary religions have mimicked stories from the ancient Egyptian culture. The stories that are told in the New Testament books are purloined from Kemet.

How was the Jesus legacy formed?

To determine how Jesus' legacy was forned, we first have to understand who he was. The website defines Jesus as a Jewish religious leader who was crucified in Jerusalem after his teaching and reported miracle-working incurred the disfavor of the Roman government of Palestine. In Christianity, Jesus is seen as Christ and as the Son of god. A side note to remember too is that Caesar and Horus was also referred to as the Son of God. Now we understand that Jesus was a leader who was executed for his beliefs. Let's go further...First of all, we must note that Jesus was a product of several different entities. The Messiah's path was chosen under the rule of the entity Constantine. Constantine was responsible for demanding all religious groups combine and unify under one umbrella and make an only religion for Rome; which at the time was a multifaceted religion. This is how Christ's legacy originated. These different Roman religious organizations generated and ultimately named Jesus to be president or the spokesperson. Jesus' lineage resembles that of ancient Egypt god Horus.

 Are Kemet myths modified as the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The depiction of the life of Jesus through the gospel have been a myth rewritten by authors of the gospels. There are many  parallels and similarities to Kemet's god Horus to Jesus.  According to Christ in comparative mythology, Tom Harpur ( a former Angelic priest, journalist, and professor of New Testament studies, has written a book The Pagan Christ. Harpur explains how the gospel of Jesus was written decades after Jesus death and it  has many similarities to Kemet god, Horus. how can such similarities be explained.....unless they were stolen. Horus' myth was recorded more than two thousand years before Jesus was born. The Pagan Christ explains how Luke and other authors of the gospel of the New Testament combine Kemet myths with Old Testament prophecies to narrate the life of Jesus.

Jesus becomes an extension of Kemet mythology god by a new name.

The narrative of Jesus has many parallels throughout the course of time. Jesus is most comparable with the Sun-God Horus. Jesus and Horus were carried from conception to birth by a virgin; star led three wise men to their birth place; both taught in the temple as a child; both had twelve disciples; both performed miracles; both were considered the way, the truth, and the light; both were crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected. The list of similarities go on and on, but it is extremely important for us to note that Horus' story was written five thousand years ago and Jesus story was written two thousand years ago. The Sun-God Horus allows scholars to understand why Christians have been taught to worship a God on "Sun" day and say that Jesus is the son of God. ( See
Meri and Horus                 Mary and Jesus    


Is there coincidence that the life story of Jesus is nearly the same as Horus'? I don't think so. There are parallels between Kemet mythology and the Gospels. The difference is the timing of each story. It is well established that the Horus myth has been written a lot longer than the story of Jesus. Horus is seen as a fictional hero and Jesus has been depicted by writers as being a real person. Jesus life is remarkable one to say the least. Luke and the other scribes whom wrote the New Testament went to great lengths to portray the life Jesus as an unique one. They used truthful information that had been passed down for centuries, but not factual because it had already been recorded prior to his life. Those authors owe a debt to Kemet for purloining their mythology.

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